Saturday, March 12, 2011

Love Matters Most

"The most important one, Love the Lord with all your
heart & with all your soul & with all your mind & with
all your strength. The second is this, Love your
neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment
greater than these."
                                                           -Book of Mark-

Last Sunday, I joined the worship service of CCF in Alabang. It was my first time to do worship outside my religion. I am Catholic, but I don’t mind the Christian ways, it’s still the same Jesus we adore and praise.

I was invited by my two good friends, who are active members of the church. The hall was situated at the 4th floor of the building. The place was huge, and it was too cold inside. There was singing when we arrived, with a live band at that. I felt alive! Everyone was joyous. It was a happy place.

The Pastor was powerful. His voice dominated the entire hall that I hang on to every word he said. Love Matters Most was the day’s main discussion. According to the Pastor, love is defined as: 1) Unconditional; 2) Sacrificial; and 3) Generous, without these, there is no love at all.

A beautiful lady was called on stage to share her experience on God’s love. I tell you, she was still reading her third sentence when I began to cry (I am such a cry baby!). Her story was very touching. She found the love of God during her lowest moments: a drug dependent husband, failed marriage, five kids to rear, financial worries and a kidney disease that would require weekly dialysis. In the end, the lady was reunited with her husband and together they rebuilt the family. Only two dialyses were performed and miraculously the lady got well.

Indeed, love matters most. Love for God, love for family, love for friends and neighbors.
Love is meant to be shared. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s looking beyond imperfections. It’s a willful decision founded on conviction. It is always victorious.

I love you, guys. Thanks for the invitation. 

My highschool bestfriend was very happy when I told her this. She and her family are active members of VCF. She encouraged me to join the CCF service whenever I can. But it doesn’t mean I have to give up being Catholic. She asked me to just listen and learn, appreciate the words of the Lord in a different set up.

We’ll see…we’ll see…


  1. Philipp said this one's the best he had attended so far...yes, God's love is unconditional and i always take comfort on that. even when i had some transgressions, i always take my pride and go back to Him. HE knows our unspoken desires.

    God bless you, Maya!

  2. True, Luzy. The best love we could have is God's love for us. CCF was amazing. Makes me wanna go back...soon.

    God Bless you and your family!
